Your donation support will be applied toward two Teacher Recognition Awards
Your donation support will be applied towards cash stipends for the ILF Student Fellowships & their attendance at a Leadership Conference
At least 2 Internship Placements per year
Your donation support will be applied towards cash stipends for the ILF Student Fellowships, college application costs & their attendance at a Leadership Conference
TELEPHONE: (212) 461 0094
Italian Language Foundation, Inc.
8 East 69th Street
New York, New York 10021
Italian Language Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 112
28 Maple Place
Manhasset, New York 11030
Part of speech: noun Example sentence:Cosimo è la tipica persona che fa sempre l'avvocato del diavolo. Sentence meaning: Cosimo is the type of person who always acts as Devil's advocate.